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Monday, 30 April 2012

UPS Commander In Chief

Excerpt from an e-mail to Dave which just happened to have a few choice UPSer's cc'd in, as well as VOSA & the paper.

Out with the red crayon again, with a guest appearance from the green one as well.

Not sure what happened to yesterdays post, it seems a bit scambled


Without being sued for slander or libel, because they are facts. (Spoken to Lisa, written here)

I raised a 2nd grievance in July last year. To date no answer, I was even told by HR not to submit it as it would be a waste of time. They were right.
I raised a 3rd grievance in December last year, again to date, no reply.
I have contacted Compliance and Ethics, still no reply.

Since my first grievance I uncovered 1,000’s of tachograph & working time infringements, not to mention the destruction of 3-4 months of infringement letters by Steve O’Donnell. Despite raising these issues to District Manager level (Neil, that’s UK, Ireland & Nordics), these infringements, as at last Friday, still continue. (Commitment to integrity? Nil)

Since Roger Mays informed me that he was to be my sole contact at UPS I have heard nothing. That is over 3 months ago.

You will have seen my e-mail about Cindy Miller’s intimidation, along with Tony Colaizzo, Craig McIntosh & Steve O’Donnell.

Again there has been no reply.

I will try and include you on my mailing list, If not, there’ll be updates on the blog.

Re my mailing list - Georgina is from the local paper, Neil is from VOSA.
I have complaints also raised with CIPD & HSE, and I am also awaiting a reply from the International Olympic Committee regarding the conduct of one of their sponsors. I also tried to involve the Union but they don’t seem interested, as appears to be the same with you.

I did notice that your web-site was still running, despite the threats from UPS. I can tell you Cindy Miller doesn’t know the meaning of the word threat, so that may explain why.

They hate FAO Scott Davis?


FAO Scott Davis

I don’t think I really need to remind you of the policy book or the code of business conduct, so here’s a reminder of your commitment

As we continue our long tradition of transformation and adapting to our customers' and business needs, one thing remains steadfast: our commitment to integrity. We remain committed to a set of beliefs that guided our founders, their successors, and currently guide us as employees and representatives of UPS.
It is this commitment that guides us today and will move us forward. Over 100 years ago, Jim Casey began building our company by asking retailers for their trust. They entrusted us with their customers, and every day, Jim honored and maintained that trust. We've carried this philosophy with us over the years, and it has become our guiding principle. Jim maintained his relationships with our customers by acting with integrity. Today, as UPS employees who represent our strong brand, we continue the legacy of integrity that Jim started. This means that, as individuals, we each have a responsibility to maintain the trust placed on us from our customers. The trust that people place on us requires us to conduct business fairly, honestly, and ethically. For UPS to survive and remain successful in business, our people must have a sound set of beliefs that serve as the foundation for all their decisions and actions. We must remember that our success, reputation, and strong brand, built on and developed over many years, can be damaged if we're not acting responsibly with an uncompromising set of common beliefs. Compliance with our legal and ethical obligations is the responsibility of every employee and representative of UPS, as is the responsibility to report potential violations of those obligations. Reporting can be done directly through your supervisor or manager, through any member of the management team by using the Open Door Policy, or by calling the UPS Help Line. (Ha, ha) A commitment to integrity is about creating a climate for continued success. It is about creating an environment where good people can make good decisions. It is about doing the right thing in every business situation...every time. By using good judgment, and by respecting each other, UPS's commitment to integrity will endure. UPS's strong reputation for ethical behavior has enabled us to attract and retain the best people and loyal customers; it has opened doors for us in new and emerging global markets, and allowed us to transform our business to meet changing customer needs. As we continue to seek ways to open doors in new and emerging global markets, our commitment to integrity will allow us to do so.

Scott Davis Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Your words Scott, so why have so many Managers lied and cheated? This is an endemic problem within your Company, from Centre Managers, Division Managers, HR Managers to District Managers (Even one that came from Compliance & Ethics). Looking at Dave’s web site it would appear to include SCS as well.

Scott, I look forward to your response and will be interested to hear how you intend to try and defend these employees.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Welcome aboard Dave again

Another disgruntled UPSer, welcome aboard, hadn't noticed you'd sneaked in.

Hope there's some interesting material for you.

& yes, the bouncing smiley was on the e-mail to Georgina

Dave again blog

Did notice you'd an e-mail address for UPS corporate customer relations. Might just have to nick that and have a whinge to them about their Corporate & Ethics dept.
[Edit - Done, with abit more than just C & E.}

Hope the disabled driver isn't holding his breath waiting for UPS, HR Dept & in particular Roger Mays to contact him

Daves Website

UPS Saturday

I was busy yesterday,

E-mail 1 - To the paper & HR

Hi Roger

Disgruntled ex-employee back again.
Your silence will not make any difference to me.

Jez Peel, driver mentioned in July 2009, is still being over-despatched and is still working through his dinner break. (As at Thursday 26th April)
He has historically had a long planned day and comes in around about on plan so cannot be said to be taking the Mickey.
Even allowing for the recent time study, are you saying that the figures are wrong? If so, why is this route difficult to cover when Jez is on holiday?
Steve O’Donnell’s mantra when the figures work in the Company’s has been “the figures are the figures”. Why is this not the case when it works against the Company?
Irrespective of the figures, historical dataand my observations, a new supervisor has been out on a ride with Jez. Why has this new supervisor not been able to improve Jez’s methods? Is this because Jez’s methods are good? Is this why the new supervisor ‘encouraged’ Jez to continue taking his break at the end of the day? Even though I have reported these issues for almost 3 years, a new broom hasn’t been able to change the policy of overloading drivers as set by Steve O’Donnell (although Steve will blame his minion Shayne Williams)

Steve O’Donnell’s answer to Jez when he went to see Steve was that “I’m looking into it” Why is it taking 3 years to look into it. It’s another stock mantra like “things are going to change” It’s an easy process, look at the data, analyse the data, then act. It took me about an hour when I initially looked into it.

Dave Dwyer, driver mentioned regarding disciplinaries March 2011, is still working through his break. (As at Friday 27th April)
As part of his re-training we set a maximum figure of 75 delivery stops. This figure generated a reasonable planned day, and brought Dave in at on, or around scratch. Why the need to grossly overload Dave, (approx 20% over) and force him to work long hours? Once again, Shayne Williams blames Steve O’Donnell and Steve O’Donnell blames Shayne Williams.

There seems to be no action by the Company or the Union in resolving these issues

E-mail 2 - To the paper & HR

E-mail 4 - To the paper & HR

I always believe that UPS were supposed to implement a fair and consistent sickness procedure that was standard across the board. Can you explain why there is one rule for some and one rule for others? Two drivers spoke to me on Thursday and said that the policies keep changing (without notification) and that there is favouritism towards some drivers.

Unfair pressure (Intimidation) is being put on drivers to try and reduce absence through sickness. Drivers are being intimidated, harassed and threatened in order to reduce sickness.

Threats are made that sickness will be unpaid, even on the first occurrence. Drivers have to go and “grovel” to Steve O’Donnell to get their unpaid sickness reversed and changed to paid sick. If payment is reversed, why was it deemed unpaid in the first place? Drivers are blamed for a return to work review not taking place.

I believe managers can only telephone employees who are sick to check on their current well being. Why did Steve O’Donnell telephone an employee “literally begging” the driver to come back to work?

Drivers are so intimidated by UPS that even with 3 years absence free attendance and broken ribs they still feel pressured into coming to work, for fear of not being paid. Doesn’t the Company have a legal obligation to send the driver home if he is not fit, rather than put someone out with him?

Steve rang a driver who failed to turn up for work, it turned out he was on an authorised holiday in Greece. Why, when the holiday planners were taken away from Dan Walton and myself quite some time ago, was I blamed for this cock-up? Steve O’Donnell was made to look even more stupid as the driver had the relevant holiday form which didn’t have my signature on it.

E-Mail 5 - To the paper & HR


Once again the jungle drums have been beating (This information comes to me, I don’t go looking for it)
The first set of tom-toms said that Steve O’Donnell was going to be Manager at Luton.
The second set said there was a DIAD message saying that he was leaving early to go and pack his bags. (Leaving early on a Friday afternoon? Was he scared to face the troops?)

If I remember correctly Luton is a bigger Centre than Dewsbury. So that would be a promotion. Even if Luton is a similar size I’m sure that with relocation incentives Steve O’Donnell will be on a financial promotion.

Have the results at Dewsbury been so good that Steve O’Donnell has earned a promotion? Shouldn’t the Company be looking at how these results were obtained?
By promoting Steve O’Donnell you are condoning the tachograph & working time infringements that have been ignored.
By promoting Steve O’Donnell you are condoning the bullying, intimidation and harassment that has occurred at Dewsbury.
Division Managers, Carl Mcguinness and Craig McIntosh are aware of the issues that I have raised.
UK & Ireland Operations Manager, Tony Colaizzo is aware of the issues that I have raised.
District Manager, Cindy Miller is aware of the issues that I have raised.
Compliance and Ethics department are aware of the issues that I have raised.
HR, (Roger Mays, Lisa Bradshaw & Emma O’Toole) are aware of the issues that I have raised.
You are all condoning Steve O’Donnell’s actions by promoting him and are therefore complicit in his actions.

I shouldn’t need to remind anyone of these points but just in case anyone hasn’t read up on these issues recently;

A few snippets from the national tachograph compliance document

UPS must organize work loads so that drivers are able to comply with the Driver’s Hours and Tachograph Regulations.
Where drivers infringe the regulations UPS must take action to prevent any repetition from occurring.

How should breaks from driving be taken?

During any break a driver must not drive or undertake other work.
Where drivers infringe the regulations UPS must take action to prevent any repetition from occurring.
It is not sufficient for UPS to give the driver an infringement report pointing out the contraventions and do nothing else.
Failure to take corrective actions can be viewed by the courts as either ‘permitting the offence’ of ‘failing to intervene’.  Such corrective actions must be documented.
UPS must have a system in place to prevent its’ vehicles from being overloaded.

Accountability Guidelines

Where Infringements are identified, UPS – as an operator – has a legal obligation to take corrective action to prevent any repetition that may occur.
Corrective action may take many forms, but in all cases, must be evidenced by some form of written record. In the event that employees fail to correct the action which led to the infringement, and therefore continue to infringe, UPS will implement a progressive disciplinary procedure – as laid down in its’ employees’ contract of employment – which may, in serious cases, lead to the dismissal of an employee.
Similarly, UPS must and will take corrective action against any Centre or other operating site that does not adequately manage this process.
The flow chart on the following page illustrates the basic process:
1 – Has the driver broken the law through this infringement?  E.g.; Speeding, Breaks, Centre Field Errors etc
2 – What is the level of severity of the infringement?
3 – Does the driver have any previous history of this type of infringement?
4 – If so, has any previous action been taken against the driver? What type of action was taken?
5 – Action must be taken in all cases. Dependent on the previous history and action taken.
6 – Record action taken on the Driver Infringement Record and Employee Personnel File as appropriate.
7 – Ensure that a copy of the written action is retained on file.

From the Policy Book

We manage our business in compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate and in accordance with our company's high standards of business conduct. All employees are expected to comply with the Code of Business Conduct, which is essential to maintaining our reputation for honesty, quality, and integrity. Also, it is each employee's responsibility to report to the company any situation where our standards or the laws are being violated. Any employee disclosing, in good faith, violations or suspected violations of legal or UPS business standards will not be subjected to retaliation or retribution. Likewise, failure to comply with the provisions of the UPS Code of Business Conduct will not be tolerated.

As individuals, we do not have the authority to change or disregard any of our company’s policies. We are expected to follow existing policies, even if not always in complete agreement with them. Our managers and supervisors set the example for carrying out our policies. They, therefore, are expected to lead the way for other UPS people – by word and action – in living up to our policies. We must be careful not to misinterpret or violate a policy’s spirit and intent. If in doubt, we should check with others for guidance.

(The red crayon's been out again)

E-Mail 6 - To the paper, CIPD & HR

FAO Marianna Wyles

Ref - 318858-1334610392

Thank you for your recent letter dated 20th April 2012.

Unfortunately I am unable to answer your questions about UPS employees.

On 28th March 2012 I asked if anyone in UPS was a member of CIPD – To date no reply

In response to your letter, I asked for the relevant information in an e-mail dated 22nd April 2012 – Again, to date no reply.

It’s possible they are members and are embarrassed to admit that they are, or they might not be members and be embarrassed to admit that they have not joined the Institute.

The UPS employees involved are;

Roger Mays

Emma O’Toole

Lisa Bradshaw

I have supplied e-mail addresses for you, maybe they’ll respond to you.

Additional work

Followed up with E-mails to HSE & International Olympic Committee


As we have now had over 3 months of inaction, it would seem that you are not capable of dealing with my grievances as per the Company procedure.
I would like to request the name of your superior as I would like him/her to take up the grievances.

Similarly, the grievance procedure states that the District Manager’s decision is final in the procedure. I would like to contest this;

  1. Cindy Miller is complicit in the events that I have reported
  2. Cindy Miller is complicit in intimidation, meeting October 2011 with Tony Colaizzo, Craig McIntosh & Steve O’Donnell against myself.
  3. Cindy Miller, by her own admission, lacks the intelligence to conduct this investigation.
At the above meeting, Cindy Miller accused me of threatening the Company, as I tried to explain, I was rudely interrupted, and told that I was questioning Cindy’s intelligence if she expected me to believe otherwise. (I have requested notes from this meeting)

Definition of threat - A statement of an intention to…

At the meeting I was about to explain the above definition and the facts that I had in my resignation letter dated 16th September 2011 stated that I had spoken to Hewisons in Featherstone. As this pre-dates the meeting it can’t be an intention and therefore can’t be a threat.
Similarly, I had copied into an e-mail my contact with VOSA, again this pre-dated the meeting and therefore cannot be a threat of an intention to do something.
This was also stated in grievance 3. (Attached)

The whole grievance procedure should not have taken the time it has taken you to do nothing. An extract from the document that I sent to you on 22nd April 2012.

            Point 1 – 14 days
            Point 2 – 14 days
            Point 3 – 14 days
            Point 4 – 14 days
            Point 5 – 28 days
            Point 6 It is intended that the use of this process will ensure that the grievance will be resolved speedily and at the earliest possible stage within the procedure.

Roger, that is a maximum of 12 weeks. Why are you stalling?

E-mail 3 - To the paper & HR

Copy of an earlier e-mail. Background history sent to the paper (HR copied in)

Monday, 23 April 2012

A bit more Yorkshire, with some dodgy selling

A welcoming sign

Comfort & Choice (A padded cell?)

 Individuality (Single cell?)

On the site of

High Royds Hospital, in 2006

High Royds Hospital is a former psychiatric hospital south of the village of Menston, West Yorkshire, England. The hospital is located in the City of Leeds metropolitan borough as the border with the City of Bradford metropolitan borough passes between the hospital and the village. It was first opened on 8 October 1888 as the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, and was closed in stages between 25 February 2003 and June of the same year. A truly magnificent example of Vickers Edwards architecture, it is arguably the finest example of the "broad arrow" layout of asylum design. The administration building, which is Grade II listed, is now considered something of a show piece at the former hospital, which is situated on a 300-acre (1.2 km2) site at the foot of Rombalds Moor. It features an Italian mosaic floor in the main corridor which is intricately decorated with the Yorkshire Rose and black daisies - the latter of which provided inspiration for the title of a television screenplay, filmed at High Royds, as a tribute to sufferers of Alzheimers disease. The hospital once contained a library, a surgery, a dispensary, butcher's, dairies, baker's, a sweetshop, an upholster's, a cobbler's, spacious grounds, a ballroom and even a railway. The patients lived in Nightingale wards (named after Florence Nightingale), rather than the individual accommodation found in more recent mental health units. The hospital was formerly connected to the Wharfedale railway line by its own small railway system, the High Royds Hospital Railway. In its final years of operation, High Royds had been become outdated and unsuited to modern psychiatric practice. As part of Leeds Mental Health's £47 million reprovision process it was closed, with the wards being relocated to various community mental health units within the city of Leeds in the three years leading up to its closure. These include the Becklin Centre in St James' Hospital and the Mount in the city centre.

Ilkley Moor - I was Baht 'at

Sunny Dewsbury

Sunday, 22 April 2012

UPS Sunday

It's been raining all day so I took the time to follow up some points from my contact at the paper

Email 1

Hi Georgina

Follow-up to Friday’s call.

This was the reply from CIPD that we spoke about.

I did however receive a letter from CIPD yesterday. One of the questions that it asks is whether any UPS Staff are members of CIPD.

As Roger Mays has failed to answer my e-mail dated 28th March 2012, I cannot answer that question. I have again requested the required details from Roger.

Further contact details for CIPD

Institute Secretary – Marianne Wyles
Secretariat – Alexandra Hackney
e-mail –
Telephone – 0208 612 6200

As requested here are my initial contact details for VOSA, in addition to Paul Walton.

Tracey Collins
Northern Intelligence Co Ordinator
Hillcrest House
386 Harehills Lane
Leeds LS9 6NF
West Yorkshire
Tel: 01132543207
Mobile:07802 671392

& for Richard Bedford, UNITE union;

Richard Bedford
Regional Industrial Organiser
UNITE the Union
North East, Yorks & Humber
55 Call Lane, Leeds, LS1 7BW


I also have information pending from HSE, again, as I receive answers from them I will forward it on to you.

Just to reconfirm, this was the first response from Roger 17th January 2012

“I write further to your recent emails and other correspondence with various members of UPS management (which relates to grievances and issues which you are putting forward). These emails have been forwarded to myself, and I will be your point of contact for any further correspondence going forwards (and as such please do not email or correspond with any other UPS employees from this time on). I am currently reviewing your correspondence, and will be in contact with you further in due course.”

And this was his only other response, 9th February 2012;

“I write further to my email to you on 17 January 2012 to let you have an update. I am currently reviewing the correspondence and related documentation but, as you will appreciate, there is a substantial amount to review and as such, this is taking some time. I am away on annual leave next week, but will write to you further once I return.


Email 2

Georgina, just confirmation of the HSE complaint that I mentioned. Details to follow as I receive them.

“Thank you for submitting your complaint to the Health and Safety Executive. If you need guidance on health and safety please visit HSE's webpages at  If you need further advice please contact HSE at”


Email 3

Hi Georgina (again)

Another question you raised on Friday.

Attached is a document re. the Company procedure on grievances.

Whilst quite old, I don’t recall any changes being made to the policy.

Maybe UPS can continue to break the law using paragraph 2.

            The pattern of working existing at the time that the grievance was registered will continue whilst the following procedures are carried out.
No form of corrective action shall be taken by either party until the procedure has been exhausted.

As you commented, these grievances should have been dealt with in a timely manner. (One of my unanswered points to Roger) The maximum time mentioned in the document is 28 days. It is now over 3 months since any significant contact was made by UPS. It is now almost 8 months since my 2nd grievance was submitted. (HR had actually suggested that I shouldn’t submit it at all)

I think that now may have covered everything that we discussed


The Value of UPS

To continue my earlier post,

I can't find the info, and google doesn't give me a quick answer, but I think that UPS has around 77 billion shares. Currently at a value of $80, that gives a total of $6,160 Billion. Hmm, maybe those figures aren't right.

Mind you, 2011 revenue was $51.1 Billion
Anyway, just think how much a $1 drop in share price would affect the Company, bearing in mind that since Sept the share price has gone up $20.

Now there's a challenge.

In the garden

A few Daffs

Looks a bit like a Sparrow sings like a Robin, must be a Dunnock

Possible bulb thief, wondered why there were some missing

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Luigi anada boys (update)

Just received the album this morning.
To be honest after a weeks build up, I was expecting to have over hyped it in my mind.

It's as brilliant as I remember it.........

and further news from Luigi.

Where did you pick up on us Mike (may I ask?) as the band hasn't gigged since 1978?

As it happens, we're currently re-recording all the Luigi material all over again - including all the material left off the album and all that was written after the original LP was made!
The idea being we'll have a 'Luigi Revisited' double CD done with today's studio tech and Geoff and my own increased ability! (we hope!)
We're also aiming at a couple or three Luigi gigs at the back end of this year.

Yee ha

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

UPS Share price

As at 21.30 BST the UPS share price stands at $80.30

Lets see where we can send it........

To be continued, I've lost a bit of info

Luigi anada boys

Luigi were a 70s band... But...

Some 'History'...

Formed in 1976 out of a Leeds 'school' band (originally 'Gnome's Law') Luigi Anada Boys became a much respected, hard working West Yorkshire band, playing all over the UK during the late 70s. Their twin-lead-guitar attack soon gained them critical acclaim and many loyal fans. They made an unusual step forward in 1978 by self-financing their own debut recording - a fully fledged vinyl LP - at a time when 'unsigned' bands usually strived to make a single or EP.
This album 'Feeling the Ceiling', despite being a limited edition of a mere 1000 copies, gained them a much larger following and was even championed by the late, great John Peel (with repeat plays on his BBC radio programme) - John introduced one track, one time, by saying 'And now, here's a bunch of itinerate waiters from Leeds!'

Luigi's original line-up was Duncan McFarlane on guitar & lead vocals, Martin Llewellyn on guitar, Dave Roberts on bass & backing vocals and Rob Steeles on drums. But after just the one gig, Martin L left and was replaced by Geoff Taylor; And so, the 'classic' twin-guitar line up began gigging in earnest, achieving cult status locally - and then UK-wide, after many forays further and further afield. It was a great pity then, in summer 1977, after the LP was recorded and doing so well for them, that the usual band-splitting chestnut of 'musical differences' kicked in. Suddenly everyone realised that a 'writer/composer' got a better deal than a mere 'player'. Coupled with this came Duncan's refusal to sign a 'Publishing Deal' after realising that such a contract tied him to three years of writing/producing two albums a year - which the company then had the right to decide whether to bother to release, or NOT! The band in turmoil, Geoff and Dave made their respective exits.

They were replaced by two ex-members of another fine Leeds band that had already disbanded -  'Jobe St. Day' - Phil Cockerham on guitar, Dave Turner on bass - both of whom were also fine singers! The new line-up gigged round the UK, all the while trying to hold down 'day jobs'. The strain, eventually, proving too great - and founder member Duncan left, resulting in Phil also calling it a day. Dave Turner kept the band on the road for a few months more, still playing mostly Duncan's material; But having added a keyboard-player and just the one guitarist as replacements, the Luigi 'trademark' sound was over and done - And to be honest, there should have been a band name-change, at that point, to protect the original band's hard-earned reputation as a twin-guitar-attack outfit! There is no doubt it was no longer 'Luigi Anada Boys' (IMHO) from there onward, and we have no interest in documenting anything that transpired after the band's original ethos and character, in effect, was totally lost and gone. C'est la vie!

Duncan & Geoff soon re-united and have played in band's together ever since those late 70s, right up to their present day involvment in TWO bands! - Well over thirty years as guitar sparring partners! Our good mate, Phil, is still involved too - occasionally standing in as 'guest' with G & D - bless! Phil, like Duncan, also pursues an acoustic 'solo' career, both playing folk clubs and festivals in their own rite We have no idea where Dave T is these days, but Dave R still plays bass (we notice) in a 'wedding band'! Rob Steeles seems to have retired from playing drums, but still turns up, once in a while, for a natter and a pint with G & D at either of their two bands's gigs - the folk-rock Duncan McFarlane Band - and a pub-rock band, just for fun, called Taylor Max. - Click the relevant Myspace links on the 'Top Friends' part of this site!)
All four of the 'classic' line-up, that recorded the vinyl LP, met up at a Duncan McFarlane Band gig, Christmas 2009 - see the photo page of this site!

Of late (time of writing, Feb 2011) Geoff & Duncan are currently re-recording the 'Feeling the Ceiling' album! For a start, we're re-instating  the 'missing' section that was dropped (to trim it down for the album version) from 'Last Supper'; And also recording the 'full' version of 'J'Accuse', which out of neccessity, had to be faded out at its end due to the limitations of a 'side of vinyl'! We'll also be recording some 'classic' Luigi gig favourites that (in hindsight) should have been strong contenders for a place on the original album - 'Sneaky Song' and 'Too much to lose' for example. These will be worthy additions to the titles from the original LP, for sure - and also bring the total playing-time up to the more modern CD length!

The Taylor Max Band, in 2011, play five of the old Luigi catalogue numbers in their current set - and we expect that number to increase as the year progresses - we rock on!

Monday, 16 April 2012

UPS Update

Part of an e-mail to a noozpaper, following up a complaint to CIPD

I copied you in on my complaint to the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.

As you will see from my first grievance, Integrity was of great importance to UPS’s founders.

I suggest that we use this as a basis for a first article, the lack of integrity within UPS.

Having established this base, we can then move on to the flaunting of Tachograph and Working Time rules & regulations as a follow-up article.

This will then lead on to Bullying, Harassment and intimidation as a way of enforcing the current UPS ‘way’.

A ‘profits at all cost’ can include the above and also details of UPS’s poor record on Aviation Security, Health & Safety, etc. where cost cutting is a more important element.

I'm cream crackered, that was 3 hours work, very statisfying though.

UPS v. Sport

Different goals (no pun intended), but the same methods.


More furore this weekend re bad refereeing, but If Ashley Young dived again, why did so many players appeal. If the Chelsea 'goal' wasn't over the line, why did Mata run away like he'd scored the winning goal in the world cup final. the Hearts players appealed for the penalty that Lennon said was biased. The refs, I'm sure, give what they see. The players cheat.

In sport it's win at all costs. Football clubs are starting to bite the dust, Bradford Bulls, Rugby League, are struggling. Only 4 of the Premiership in Rugby Union are making a profit and several County Cricket Clubs are also feeling the pinch. There is so much money for the players that they cheat to win, cheat to gain points

With UPS it's slightly different, they cheat to make money. Profits above breaking the law, they are that desperate to line their pockets.

While we're on Sport, the Grand National. Why are horses put down just for breaking a leg? Surely they would still have a stud value. Should Fabrice Muamba have been put down for having a heart attack?

The horses continue on the circuit without their riders so they can't be said to be forced to jump.
A picture had the following caption;

& still on sport, went to the Leeds Motor Show for the 2nd time in a month. Hang on I hear you say, twice? aren't Motor Shows annual? and does Leeds have them? There are about 20 a year if you walk through the players car park at Elland Road. Mercs, Jags, Porches with double glazing.......pity the football wasn't as good as the cars.
Fatal fall: AP McCoy and Synchronised fall after the sixth fence. The horse had to be put down on the course

The fall wasn't fatal
  • The horse was put down
  • The horse carried on for another 5 fences, If I remember the vet's statement correctly
It's sport, accidents & injuries will happen.

So much for the flag counter

Probably me thats buggered it up up there should be;

Hong Kong
& Mexico

Instead there's Turkey & Sweden

Ah well, never mind

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Joys of Yorkshire

Tonights work brought to you by the Dead Nobodies podcast 10

Nice one Bert

Download & enjoy