7th December 2010
Lisa Bradshaw
Hello Mike,
As per my earlier emails, if you would like to raise an official grievance,
please could you provide specifics in writing with evidence to back up your new concerns through the formal grievance procedure and address either to your Manager or Division Manager, Rob Burrows. If you decide to formalise this matter please copy your correspondence to either myself or Barbara Garrett, HR Specialist.
Lisa Bradshaw
Workforce Planning Supervisor (North East)
Salters Lane Industrial Estate, Sedgefield
Stockton-on-Tees, TS21 3EE
United Kingdom
From: Bradshaw Lisa (LMM6LXB)
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:49 AM
To: Whitehead Mike (UKG2MXW)
Subject: Integrity
Hello Mike,
As discussed previously, I recall that we discussed some history regarding integrity issues which occurred several years ago at the Dewsbury centre .......................
......................It is correct that at UPS we believe integrity is fundamental and I would like to reassure you that every formal integrity issue is investigated thoroughly, unfortunately it is not possible for me to investigate the specifics regarding your previous concerns again but I can advise you that if any new grievance is raised formally which concerns integrity issues it will be investigated and the appropriate action taken.
Do I hear someone shouting bullshit?
Obviously 3 grievances were insufficient