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Friday 4 October 2013

CIPD on bullying

It's a pity CIPD don't practice what they  preach

Quiz: Are you a bully?

Put your work demeanour to the test in our quiz

1. You need to call a team meeting but it’s nearly 5pm and some staff have children. Do you? 
 A Tell parents they don’t have to go but it would be a good idea if they did attend 
 B Expect everyone to turn up. Their childcare needs are not your concern
 C Promise to brief those who can’t attend the following day 

2. You’ve made a politically incorrect joke in the office that was taken badly. Do you?

 A Not worry about it as everyone knows what you’re like 
 B Apologise immediately for any offence caused 
 C Do nothing. People shouldn’t bring their emotions to work 

3. You hear a piece of juicy gossip about a colleague’s personal life. Do you?

 A Share it with other colleagues. You could all do with a laugh 
 B Point out to the gossip that their behaviour is not acceptable 
 C Keep it to yourself – but do nothing about it 

4. You’ve given a piece of work to someone but you’re not happy with progress. Do you?

 A Sit them down to talk about how it’s going and then take appropriate action 
 B Take it away and give it to someone else 
 C Leave it with them but monitor their progress 3-4 times a day

5. Your colleague is already stressed but you really need their help to meet a deadline. Do you?

 A Give them the work to do. You’re stressed too 
 B Enlist their help but promise them a day off in exchange 
 C Ask for an extension or see if someone else can help 

6. You find a colleague annoying. Do you?

 A Take time to talk to them about what would make the relationship easier 
 B Demand they stop doing whatever is irritating you 
 C Try to avoid them as much as possible 

Now add up your score and check your answers below:

1 A (2 points); B (3); C (1)
2 A (2); B (1); C (3)
3 A (3); B (1); C (2)
4 A (1); B (3); C (2)
5 A (3); B (2); C (1)
6 A (1); B (3); C (2)

If you scored 6-9
On the whole you’re an angel, but watch out for the occasional lapse. We can all be bullies when we fail to take other people’s feelings into consideration.

If you scored 10–15
It may be wise to take a closer look at your behaviour as some of it is borderline and could be perceived as bullying.

If you scored 16-18 
Whether you know it or not, it looks like you are a bully. Don’t agree? Take a long hard look at your actions and if you still don’t see the problem ask a trusted colleague for an honest second opinion.

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