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Monday 16 July 2012

Olympic Security

Right let me see if I've got this right.

G4S can't supply enough security staff for the Olympics.
G4S are a profit making Company.
We are culling the British Army.
We have known that we are culling the British Army for quite some time.

Why didn't we.......

Transfer the culled soldiers into a special Olympic Batallion and we'd have had a ready made, fully trained security force ready in time for the Olympics. No excess profits to be shelled out, no additional executives to line their pockets.

I wonder which MP's received a backhander for this waste of tax-payers money?

Aren't we already using some soldiers to man the rockets on top of the block of flats or have G4S borrowed them and hired them back to us at a huge profit?

& on the Olympics, why do we need the Olympics before we can improve the Stratford area of London. Why didn't its residents deserve better earlier, & why is it so much over budget.

Pocket lining seems to a major contribution

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