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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Alison Gilbertson - CIPD

Banking culture: it's down to you

It's nearly five years since banks on both sides of the Atlantic imploded in a blizzard of greed and hubris. And yet barely a week passes without a fresh banking scandal. If banking culture is going to change, HR has to stand up and be counted. PM asks what role HR can play in building better financial services

Deterioration in employee voice and employee engagement at record low

Our latest Employee Outlook survey points to a worrying decline in employees' satisfaction with their ability to feed views upwards, especially in the public sector. This finding is particularly pertinent given the lessons to be learned about the importance of employee voice in the wake of last week's publication of the final enquiry into Mid Staffs NHS Foundation Trust failings.

It is really Alison?
What's the point in standing up and being counted?
Shouldn't the CIPD follow up revelations about it's members or should the CIPD just sweep the issues under the carpet.
Too embarrassed by your membership?
HR won't sort anything out because they don't have your backing.

Why bother feeding views upwards? You'll just get stabbed in the back.

Why bother churning all this garbage out if the CIPD are not prepared to take action against its members.

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