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Saturday 8 September 2012

Health Review

Documented information from my 3 grievances, merely copied and pasted. With a bit of red crayon

From Grievance 1


I wish to raise a grievance concerning the lack of integrity throughout UPS. This is to try and show the effects of the last 10 years on me and explain why I have problems with my memory recall. It is not meant to be a witch hunt against individuals within the Company.

For many years I discussed with a succession of Managers and Division Managers a lack of integrity shown by Dean Weir in his work at Dewsbury. This originally came to light when Dean first came to work at Dewsbury in 2000. As these issues continued to occur, it would appear that little, or no action, was being taken to resolve this lack of integrity. It would appear that Managers generally turned a blind eye to these actions, as I believe that results, however gained, are the real measure within UPS.

As I have said this is background information. It is to try and show the cause of my memory and recall issues. The lack of any noticeable action in the past has caused thoughts that go around and around in my head, questioning what is right and wrong and whether I should have rocked the boat by raising these issues. This, according to my doctor, is the cause of the stress, anxiety and depression that I am suffering. As I understand it from my doctor, the thoughts subconsciously going around and around in my head create a distraction that then has a knock on effect with my concentration and therefore an effect on my memory recall. It is this point that I firmly believe is misunderstood within Company, and is taken as a reluctance to learn the space and visibility card and safe work methods card.
It was interesting to have the Company’s letter read to me at the Occupational Health referral. It was stated that I was unable to learn, if I remember correctly, 8 points. This is far from accurate, and it will be interesting to see what Dr Butler puts in his report. As a supervisor I am currently expected to be able to recite parrot fashion the following;

5 space and visibility habits
5 key phrases – that’s more than 8 already
5 how’s
5 what it does for you 
10 point commentary checklist
I do not have a SWM card to hand but there are 8 keys to lifting and lowering and numerous other points to learn from the card.

That is 38 points already and there are many more.

I addition to this I was expected to learn, word for word;
10 sentences/paragraphs for the 340 methods course.
Additionally a number of cards, every night, for tests the following day
All 17 cards to be memorized word for word, in addition to the original material, for ‘the big test’ at the end of the course.

I passed the test on the Monday, (an e-mail was sent saying that I had recall problems, I know that I was nowhere near word for word) but failed at the 1st fence on the big test at the end of the course. Similarly I passed the test on Aviation Security, but we answered questions as we went along, with our notes and coursework on the desk, no memory was required.

I find it quite funny, and hypocritical, that until fairly recently, my Division Manager has been unable to be certified on the SWM/S & V test in which you must obtain 100%. Similarly that he is unable to put into practice his S & V methods when parking his car, to the point of an argument with Matt Gale on why he is exempt from following Company policy/procedure. (As at 7th January 2011, per Matt Gale, Rob Burrows is still not certified on SWM)*

Since a meeting on 5th Feb 2010 with Steve O’Donnell and Rob Burrows, when Rob demanded that I submit a letter of resignation from my position as Supervisor (since denied), there has been no follow-up meeting, conversation, e-mail or text to establish whether or not there was any change in my position, until the appointment with Occupational Health. This came about from what appeared to be a ‘chance’ meeting with Barbara Garrett, as it was a rare occasion for me to have been in the Centre on the day that Barbara was in Dewsbury. Steve may recall that I gave my doctor the information from the meeting (on 5th February 2010) with himself and Rob, and also the report from my Company Medical. The advice that I was given from my G.P., Dr. Hussain, was that “I should not rush into anything at work”, which I reported back to Steve.

Current medical information, further to 5th February 2010 - Dr. Hussain followed the recommendations of Dr. Lipman (Company Medical) that there may be a slight possibility that the Simvastatin that I was taking for Cholesterol may be having an effect on my memory, also that the Mirtazapin, for depression, could also have a similar effect on my memory. Dr. Hussain stopped my prescription of Simvastatin. As discussed with Dr. Goodwin (19th May) the lack of Simvastatin appeared to have no effect whatsoever on my memory. At this appointment with Dr. Goodwin I said that I did not feel that I could come off the Mirtazapin at that time. Dr. Hussain suggested later that it would not be a good idea to currently reduce the dosage of Mirtazapin****. I also followed up with Dr. Goodwin the lack of a referral to the memory clinic which had been recommended by Dr Hussain. Dr. Goodwin confirmed that the referral had been requested, but would ask the secretary to follow this up. Dr. Goodwin also recommended referral to another clinic. This turned out to be for the same clinic, Dr. Brodie’s Older Persons Outpatient Clinic. No action was suggested at Dr Brodie’s clinic, just a follow-up appointment to monitor any changes. This follow-up appointment has just been changed in a letter dated 2nd December 2010. The appointment is now on 1st March 2011.
As previously discussed, my memory problem is not an ‘aging’ memory problem such as Alzheimer’s, but a recall problem. In addition to Dr. Hussain’s diagnosis last year, this has also been confirmed by Dr. Lipman, Dr. Brodie and also the Psychiatrist that I saw at the end of last year. I don’t have his name to hand.

There may be a similar example, which I will discuss with my G.P. at my next appointment. Below is my transcript of a recent transmission of Q.I. A program, which although a comedy panel game, is based on facts.


Friday 17th December 2010, 20.30

Rob Brydon     For a long time doctors and surgeons didn’t realise that it was actually very important to wash your hands before you operate, because they weren’t aware of the transference of germs and it was Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian, and he came up with this theory because he was at the Vienna Infirmary. He started this whole idea of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
Steven Fry        You’re absolutely right, there’s a museum in Budapest, to which I’ve been, called the Semmelweis Museum, which is where he lived. He died in poverty and insanity. In fact he died in an insane asylum because no-one recognised the absolute truth of what he said.
Alan Davies      So obsessively clean hands actually drive you mad
Steven Fry        No, what drives you mad is telling the truth and having no-one believe you. You see Doctors couldn’t face the fact that he was basically saying that thousands and thousands of deaths that took place in Hospitals were ultimately the fault of Doctors.

If being ignored can drive you mad, then I am fairly sure that it is quite possible that it can also affect your memory. Here are a few examples of previous e-mails, unfortunately, being moved around from centre to centre and PC to PC I don’t have a vast amount;

The main problem now is that for me to address the issue correctly, I should raise a grievance against 2 Centre Managers and a Division Manager. Where do you think that I should go with this? If you remember correctly one of the first emails that I sent you related to Integrity. You can now guess the reason why. Something that we also discussed on your first visit was confidence. It has been this continual under-mining that has eroded my confidence. My impression is that the Company think that I made things up, despite the fact that I was willing to speak to Sharon Hampson & Simon Eyers about this at the time. The outcome of tonight's appointment is that I am having anxiety attacks, one manifestation of this, and the stress effect, is memory recall problems. One incidence of this is the reason that I was only rated as a trainer on the S & V course. Because I was unable to do a PCM without notes, I was more or less ridiculed and was not rated as a train the trainer. How do you think that I would cope with a room full of strangers in Germany? You may want to speak to Richard Watts, Geoff Platt & Mo Akhtar for some further background information on this, in addition to Sharon Hampson & Simon Eyers.

Howard, as a reminder. If you cast your mind back to the March Business Review meeting, you might remember that Duncan asked me to see you after the meeting regarding the annual pay review. (Confirmation of which you have still not sent, despite reminders (un-answered)). Following the announcement of my pay increase you may remember that I expressed my disappointment at the increase compared to other members of staff. I have still not had any follow up to this meeting. We discussed the amount of work that I had done last year, bearing in mind that Duncan, Carl & Dean were absent from the centre for long periods of time. We discussed the Balanced  Scorecard results and the QPR results. We also discussed some integrity issues in relation to Dean Weir. I informed you that these had been raised over the years with different managers and were still occurring. I gave you a specific example of an instance which occurred while Carl was Centre Manager, according to Carl you never followed this up with him. Your only response to the pay issue was that I earned more than Dean. Your answer to the integrity issues was, get over it.
This is not an issue about money, per se, it’s about principles, and being sent to Coventry for speaking out about Dean.

As I stated at the beginning of my grievance I feel that I need to try and show the effects that the last 10 years has had on me. It has caused me to doubt my ability, my actions and has had a negative affect on my health. At my most recent appointment with the nurse at Undercliffe Surgery (26th January 2011) my blood pressure was, if I remember correctly, I meant to write it down at the time, 170/100, this is despite already being on medication for my high blood pressure. (Ramipril 10mg Capsules & Amlodipine 10mg tablets). This is in addition to the anti-depressant that I am taking, Mirtazapine. I have been on various medications for insomnia and depression;
1st February 2005 - Zopiclone
23rd January 2006 – Dosulepin
27th September 2007 – Fluoxetine
8th May 2008 – Dosulepin
21st July 2008 – Mirtazapine currently 45mg tablets (Pharmacokinetics - Mirtazapine is typically prescribed in doses ranging from 15 mg to 45 mg.)

From grievance 2

Dear Emma

I am not sure what right of reply I have to the allegations made against me during the grievance hearing. You may treat this as merely my response or a new grievance.  As I don’t know Chris Marchant’s Manager I cannot raise my response to the next level of management.

At the end of the discussions you asked if I felt better as a result of this. At the time, I did. To say that I had been rattled by the pages of notes that you gave me at 11.00, is somewhat of an understatement, and I assume that this was the desired effect. You had been in the centre for some time, you could have given the notes to me earlier.

If you actually read all those pages you will see that there is a theme. Denial, denial, denial. Does this not ring any alarm bells with you? If all these Managers are making all these denials, then what am I to conclude?
I must be a compulsive liar

The grievance that I raised must be a complete pack of lies. How do you think that makes me feel? Don’t you think that this is exactly what has gone on for the last 10 years? There should be enough evidence at the end of my grievance to prove that I was correct. That all the statements I made were true. So, what effect do you think that this has had? It has compounded my original feelings, I feel I have regressed 5 or 6 years, even on a change of medication and then and a doubling of the dosage (Citalopram 40 mgs) I still have sleepless nights. I said to my Doctor that I was beaten and that I hadn’t any fight left.

If my grievance was a pack of lies, why did Chris Marchant say that they were all valid points? If they were all valid they can’t have been lies. There was sufficient UPS data evidence to show that I was telling the truth, why would my statements about my Managers be anything but the truth? Do they think that I would be stupid enough to raise a grievance based on lies?

I will answer some of the comments given to me. I assume this was compiled by Lisa Bradshaw, It doesn’t say. My apologies if my assumption is incorrect.

Point 5 – As above. I agree there was never a formal grievance. I trusted my managers to sort out the situation. What exactly is Scott Fowler’s point? To me the implication is that I stole the file.

Now I’m a compulsive liar and I stole a file

It is strange that Scott can remember this ‘incident’, yet he can’t remember anything about any integrity issues at Dewsbury. It is also strange that if I stole something, nothing has ever been said to me. Which makes it even stranger that Scott is able to remember this. This is the first time that this has been said to me. If I stole it and it’s clear in Scott’s mind, where is the documented evidence? Surely theft is a serious integrity issue. Is Scott saying that he turned a blind eye to this? If he did this, why did he do it?
It is odd then, given the fact that I stole this file, that in my 2007 Quality Performance Review approved by Scott Fowler, signed by me on 30th January 2008 that Scott gives 5 out of 5 for the question ‘Is honest in interactions with others’
I have my 2005 critical skills assessment chart. There are no details on it relating to my manager, (probably Karl McGuinness) but he scores me 5 on integrity. These contradict everything that is being said about me.

Point 19 – I only have A & O level education so can be said to be fairly stupid, but Dr. Butler, a man of many letters and therefore I assume University educated, read out a statement to me. You quote “he has been asked to memorise six safety elements”. So which are the 6 Safety elements that I need to memorise “word for word”
Is it the 5 safety habits?
Is it the 5 key phrases?
Is it the 5 how’s?
Is it the 5 what it does for you's?
Is it the 8 keys to lifting and lowering?
Is it the 5 keys to trips and falls?
Is it the 10 point commentary?
Is it something completely different that I don’t even know about?
I could go on with the 340 methods course and other things that we have to remember “Word for word”

So which are these 6 points that Dr. Butler asked me about? He believed there were 6 from your referral, I believed he was asking about 6 from his question. Is he as stupid as I am? I don’t have appendix 22 but I do have my copy of the letter from Dr. Butler.

Aviv Health UK Limited
P O Box 540
SO50 0ET

SR 1-1043719937
UID 1-1043719834
ICD Code – VA – WR
Doctor/Typist/Company – CRB/KW/UPS

From Page 1

……Although in your referral letter you state that he is required to memorize 6 safety elements………

Dr Christopher R Butler
MBBS BSc PhD DipSportsMed DOccMed MSc
Occupational Physician

Now I’m a compulsive liar, I stole a file and both Dr Butler and I are stupid

On the Space and Visibility course in 2006, I was only passed as a trainer, not as a master trainer. Why? I had to use notes.

I go to Church most Sundays, but I can’t remember the sermons, nor can I remember the 10 commandments, even though I know them.

If I have poor memory recall, how do I remember all these FACTS?
I don’t, I have notes, and I have, as you have seen, e-mails and letters. I learnt fairly quickly that I couldn’t trust my Managers and Division Managers. I learnt that they weren’t interested in Integrity issues. We had such a turnaround of Managers it is easy to see why. They were only short term and could therefore avoid anything that may turn out to be a longer term issue. Chris Marchant asked why I didn’t follow this up elsewhere. Where could I have gone if my Division Managers weren’t interested?

How can I pass AVSEC and Dangerous Goods training? The training is taken so seriously that we can write down the answers as we go along, are more or less told which parts of the training is a question, then the trainer goes out for a few minutes near the end so that we can confer if necessary. It's not exactly difficult to fail.*

*Might be a reason why the DfT are all over us.

Point 22 – Where are Rob Burrows/Steve O’Donnell’s notes from the meeting? Where is the Pittsburgh entry about the meeting? I have notes in my diary about that meeting, I have a letter that I asked my Doctor to verify for medical accuracy, mentioning Rob’s comments. If this didn’t happen how could I have reviewed it with Steve O’Donnell? If it wasn’t discussed, why was there a mention of a “lesser position” in point 22? Why was there no follow-up to this meeting?

“KM states both were absent” not true. To the best of my knowledge in 20 years I have been off work 3 times.
1 – I was sent home by Howard James when I had flu
2 – Vasectomy
3 – Stress
There was an occasion when my wife went into hospital in Acapulco, I was working in Manchester at the time and it was taken as holiday.
None of these occurred while Karl was Manager.

Duncan Coates & Carl McGuinness recalls I had no confidence.
Now why would that be? What could possibly have happen at Dewsbury to erode my confidence? Is it the fact that I was being continually ignored when raising integrity issues? Thus causing me to start questioning myself and starting the circling thoughts in my head. My doctors think so.

I must have been confident enough when I was promoted to Supervisor.
I was confident enough to captain Crossbank Methodist cricket Club for many years.
I was confident enough to be chairman of CBMCC for several years.
I was confident enough to captain Batley Cricket Club’s 2nd XI.
I was confident enough to perform in Batley Gilbert and Sullivan society.
I was confident enough to perform in Dewsbury Collegians Amateur operatic Society.
I was confident enough to be secretary of DCAOS.
I was confident enough to perform in Pontefract Amateur Operatic Society.
I was confident enough to perform on stage in Rome.
I was confident enough to be a leader at Christian Endeavour holiday homes.

Craig McIntosh at the Supervisor meeting said that if you stop someone making decisions you undermine their confidence

In all my years at UPS my work ethics have not been questioned, even when I think that I’m not performing. I reviewed this with Steve O’Donnell on the morning of my grievance. Steve said that he was happy with my work, other than some negativity. (Hardly surprising when you read my grievance) I asked because I had no motivation with 340 methods paperwork. The paperwork was done but I had no interest in filing it. There was some in the office, some in my car, some at home. I still have little motivation towards some aspects of the job. When it comes to delivering and collecting I can match virtually every driver at Dewsbury, most of the runs that I do I can scratch, or at least compete with the regular driver.

On 1st March 2011, Dr Brodie said that stress was the most likely cause of my memory problems. Alzheimer’s or similar conditions have been ruled out by Dr Brodie, (Dr. Brodie’s Older Persons Outpatient Clinic) Dr. Lipman (Co. Medical) and Dr. Hussain (My GP)
On 17th March 2011 there was a piece on the local news about Stress causing depression.
Common signs and symptoms of depression
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. A bleak outlook—nothing will ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.
Loss of interest in daily activities.  No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your ability to feel joy and pleasure.
Appetite or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
Sleep changes. Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping (also known as hypersomnia).
Irritability or restlessness. Feeling agitated, restless, or on edge. Your tolerance level is low; everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
Loss of energy. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to complete.
Self-loathing. Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
Concentration problems. Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.
Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
That’s a yes to all those points, even tired and restless at the same time.

Has all this stress had an effect on my blood pressure?

Yes. Additional tablets had to be prescribed recently in addition to the 2 blood pressure tablets that I was already taking.
Ramipril 10 mgs
Amlodipine 10mgs
Bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mgs
I will check with my GP when my blood pressure originally became an issue.

Notes made by Steve @ Drivers meeting Sept 2010

Bullying, Harrassment & Pressure

As discussed at the start of the grievance hearing, it was Chris’s first question I believe. The reason I had raised a grievance was to show the effects of the last 10 years. I wanted UPS to understand the stress and pressures that were on me. I wanted UPS to understand the effect that these pressures were having on me, the memory and recall issues that were stopping me from being able to repeat word for word the S & V card and the SWM card. What has my grievance created? It is an even worse situation for me.

Richard Watts said that I should draw a line under it and move on. (He doesn’t know the content of this document) It isn’t as easy as that. As I said to Richard, I would love to be able to take this out of my head, put it in a box and put it in the attic. It doesn’t work like that. I am on anti-depressants, I have been on an anxiety management course, I have seen memory specialists, but my situation hasn’t changed. The issues are imbedded in my head and I don’t want them there. I don’t want sleepless nights thinking about this. If I could throw all this away, I would have done so. I don’t want these issues to beat me again and break up my marriage again. The grievance notes and appendices have merely compounded everything that I was trying to sort out. By raising a grievance I was hoping to clear the air and start afresh. It hasn’t worked.

12th July 2011

A month down the line and I need to come up with a conclusion. Despite the importance of this, I am struggling to summon up some enthusiasm, motivation, will & drive to complete this, as with many things in my life.. To quote Dr. Lipman, “you can’t be bothered”. It is a symptom of depression.

What have I done over the last 10 years? I have acted in good faith, following the Company line, yet I have been made to feel like the guilty party. I have, as instructed reported integrity issues. I was ignored, I went up a level to Division Managers and again was ignored. I have regularly reported to the BEQ, again no action appears to have been taken. Maybe I didn’t report enough instances or report frequently enough, but I trusted my Managers & Division managers to sort these issues out. As they should have done. It is my Managers & Division Managers who have failed to live up to the Company expectations.
Employees may not feel comfortable in doing the right thing if they feel management will not support them. How true. Would it have been right to bury my head in the sand? No.
In following the Company policies I have had to work in a hostile environment. As a member of the management team, I should know that retaliation or retribution of any kind, against any employee, who in good faith asks any questions, raises any concerns, or who provides information in connection with an investigation, is prohibited and is grounds for discipline. Why has this been allowed for so many years? Our policy states, our commitment to integrity includes a responsibility to foster an environment that allows our people to report violations without the fear of retaliation or retribution.

What are the consequences of the last 10 years?
Depression to the point of suicide.
A grim outlook on life
Years of anti-depressants
Years of blood pressure tablets
Main factor in my marriage break-up
Lack of confidence

What is the Company’s current response? Denial and therefore further ignorance. Slanderous & libellous comments generating further depression. Victimisation for speaking out and bullying.

I thought I had a pretty cast iron grievance originally until the Company came back with a pack of lies.
Maybe there is enough in this response to prove that I was being 100 % honest in my original grievance.

From Grievance 3

From my own point of view, supported by grievance 2, there was a significant amount of information with regard to bullying. To date there has been no response to grievance 2. From my own personal experiences, it is my opinion that the bullying starts at the top of tree within UPS in the UK. Whilst it may be an acceptable practice in the USA, it is not acceptable within the UK. The definition of the word threat obviously has a different meaning in the USA to the definition in the UK (an expression of intention to do something), so bullying may also have a different meaning in the USA.
I’m sure that sitting in a room with a District/Operations/Division & Centre Manager will not be described as intimidation by the Company or maybe my stupidity caused me to make the wrong interpretation of the meeting. I have a number of questions in relation to the meeting.

  • Why was I given the wrong impression of the meeting by Lisa Bradshaw?
  • Why was I given less than 24 hours notice?
  • Why was I not given the opportunity to arrange representation?
  • Why have I not, as yet, received a copy of the notes of the meeting as I requested?
  • Why wasn’t one of the four seen to be making any notes in the meeting? Would that explain the failure to respond to my request?
  • Why was there a need for a 4 versus 1 scenario? (23rd December 2011 Craig McIntosh claims that 4 onto one wasn’t intimidation)

With regard to the above mentioned threat, (Not noted, so it didn’t happen?) You CANNOT, by definition, threaten to do something that you have already done. I gave you the solicitor’s information. I forwarded the contact with VOSA. So where exactly was the threat that I was going to do something?

Bullying was raised at a driver meeting over a year ago. 30th September 2010. Has there been any change to the bullying culture at the Dewsbury Centre in that period of time? It would appear not as bullying still goes on.

These notes were made between 3 & 6 O’clock on Wednesday morning. At that point 20 employees expressed an opinion that bullying occurred at the Dewsbury Centre.
I had chance to try and complete my survey this morning.
32 said yes, bullying happens.
3 said no, it doesn’t occur.
10 preferred not to make a comment. At least 4 of these 10 said that they were worried about possible retribution against them for speaking out. What does that say about the Company?
By my calculations, 91% of drivers expressing an opinion said that bullying takes place. 90% of the drivers were surveyed, so it wasn’t a selective number of drivers that I thought might say yes. Only 3 drivers available weren’t questioned, one of which starts after I’ve gone on road, and the survey doesn’t include Nigel who I know would agree with the survey. All of these Yes’s are signed and dated.

On my return to the Centre tonight I have been told that two Centre managers are leaving the Company with me tomorrow. Again, here-say evidence but it is alleged that they will be suing for constructive dismissal on the grounds of bullying. Maybe we should join forces, If only I had the names of Steve Dickson and Andy Smith.

How much more evidence do I need to add to grievance 2 to prove that bullying goes on in UPS and is acceptable? Once more the word here-say pops up, but Tony Colaizzo’s name seems to be associated with these bullying claims. Again, this adds credence to my earlier statement that bullying starts at the top.

As Cindy Miller and Tony Colaizzo are both involved in ignoring these issues of integrity and bullying, where should I go next? Who does Cindy report to?

There is further evidence of bullying on the web-site If this website is full of lies, why hasn’t it been closed down?

“There are too many incidents of bad practice and bullying by management to include in this email, but it culminated in the company going into administration in January 2011. This was as a result of us issuing legal proceedings against UPS for material breach of the contract. They manoeuvred us into a position whereby we could not function and indeed Steven Lake of UPS contacted our funding lines which resulted in us having great difficulty in releasing funds. It was at this point we called time.

During my time there I heard many tales of bad management and bullying of their own staff, again far too many to list, but as you say management have their pets and all cover each other arses by lying through their teath. There is also issues with drivers working too many hours whilst being on tacoghraps, although they would deny this, no surprises there.

People within this organisation to look out for are Craig Mcintosh, Rob Burrows, Steven Lake all Walter Mitty characters.

“WALTER MITTY, An ordinary, often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs.”

Do not trust these people at all they are all liars”

If bullying isn’t acceptable, then why has Rob Burrows been promoted?

If drivers at Dewsbury aren’t bullied why was John Dunning told by Shayne Williams “if you don’t like it, find another job” witnessed by Simon White.

Sharon Wilkinson is being forced to move to Leeds. This move is so much against her will that she is now working her notice. Another waste of 20+ year’s service.

I have shown above the vindictive nature of UPS towards Nigel Harnell. I will add to this my own experience. There is no doubt in my mind that in raising integrity issues within UPS I have created enemies. Steve O’Donnell admitted there was a vendetta against me. Steve said that it was HR. But UPS aren’t allowed to be vindictive and exact retribution. It says so in the worthless policy book.
In that case, as at 22.09, 22nd December 2011,
  • Why has there been no response at all to my offer to take the new, proven, tachograph procedures to the most help needed centres?
  • Why has there been no response at all to my offer to cover the driver shortfall at Dewsbury?
  • Why has no exit interview been arranged?
  • Why has no-one spoken to me about leaving?
  • Why would a 20 year veteran be treated like this?

I have mentioned being stupid a number of times above.
  • Both Dr. Butler & I can’t interpret numbers correctly, see previous grievance
  • I obviously don’t know the meaning of the word threat
  • I can’t find any reference in Emma O’Toole’s letter dated 9th February 2011, reference UKHR/LB which instructs me in how to respond to the results of my first grievance. This was supposed to negate grievance 2.
  • I obviously don’t understand the meaning of the words to bully
  • I obviously don’t understand the meaning of the word integrity

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