Scott, define "the great majority."
It is n't you, or T Kosir, or Roger Mays, Lisa Bradshaw, Emma O'Toole, Geoff Platt, Mo Akhtar, Richard Watts, Carl McGuinness, Duncan Coates, Chris Marchant, Nigel Marsh, Howard Stone, Steve O'Donnell, Rob Burrows, Craig McIntosh, 50 Centreboard Managers or any of the others I really can't be bothered looking up just now.
The great majority of our Management are not of high moral character. The honest employees are the hard working ones on the coal face. Usually the first to be victimised.
It is not the drivers cheating with centreboards.
It is not the drivers cheating with time deliveries.
It is not the drivers cheating with Non deliveries.
The Management give the instructions.
The Management are dishonest with their employees.
Clyde & Co, are UPS still happy with all this?
Liars, prevaricators, beguilers, cheaters, deceivers, tricksters, slickers, false witnesses, perjurers, fabricators, fibbers, storytellers, dishonorable, dishonourable, insincere
and all these descriptions?
Of course they are.
I can think of many more words to describe managers at UPS but they will still be looking through their dictionaries to work out the one's you have already quoted lets not confuse them too much!