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Monday 3 September 2012

More Walter Mitty (Craig McIntosh)

From: Mike Whitehead []
Sent: 04 January 2012 11:13
To: Bradshaw Lisa (LMM6LXB); Graham Albert (VYF6YZG); Miller Cindy J (CPN1CJM); Colaizzo Anthony (ATL2ALC)
Subject: Tachograph Project
As the Tachograph project ground to a halt some time ago, Here are a few thoughts for you.
There has been little importance shown towards this project, which, given its nature and background, is rather strange. Why would you have fuelled my original argument, unless you were trying to make me a scapegoat for the Company’s failings?
From the very start of the project there has been a ploy to keep me away from Tachographs as much as possible. For the whole of the first week I was sent out on road. Craig McIntosh claims that he knew nothing about this, but is contradicted by Shayne Williams. Meetings have been considered so important that Craig McIntosh hasn’t even been bothered to turn up to them or let me know that they have been cancelled. The amount of follow-up has been nominal throughout the whole of the project. Yet despite all the obstacles that have been put in my way, I have kept up to date with the project at all times. On the few occasions Craig asked for work, it was there ready.
Has there been any commitment to the project? With regard to going on road, Craig says "It was regrettable…..but unavoidable" Why? Were a few deliveries and collections more important than Tachograph Compliance? Though based on Craig’s comments on Friday 23rd December, the project wasn’t important or high profile.
Cindy, How high profile are you?
I achieved a reduction in infringements of 49.5% yet Craig claims that the country’s reduction of 0.8% was comparable.
I offered to take the project around the Country starting with the most help needed centres. I didn’t even receive the courtesy of a reply.
Craig has stated that not all Centres are keying their timecards into Tachomaster, that they are hiding their figures in GTS. This will mean that the reduction of 0.8% in the National figures is not accurate, but will be an increase instead, should the timecards every be keyed accurately.
Craig has also said that all small breaks, toilet, cigarette, etc can be rolled up into one break and keyed into the DIAD. This is not legal.
Craig has also stated that drivers choose to have infringements.
The drivers have been receiving little feedback from their Managers yet the drivers are expected to be disciplined for their infringements-Craig McIntosh.
If this is the case, then by the same logic, the Centre Managers are also choosing to ignore the infringements. The Centre Managers have far more information than the drivers have. There are the Daily/Weekly tachograph reports and conference calls. The drivers are not privy to this information, so their Centre Managers should also be disciplined for choosing to ignore the Tachograph infringements. The fact that disciplinary action does not take place against Centre Managers shows that Division, then Operations and District Managers are also ignoring the infringements that are taking place.
This was my original comment, that we turn a blind-eye to Tachograph & working time infringements.
UPS’s obsession with over-despatching drivers is a contravention of the
Legal Responsibility of the Employer.
UPS must organize work loads so that drivers are able to comply with the driver’s hours and Tachograph regulations. (Tachograph MOP)
This would also cover the appalling safety results that have been achieved throughout December. Not exactly the hazardous conditions of last year. I haven’t seen the month end figures, but they were 30% over plan with several days still to report. How do you explain this? The drivers choose to have accidents. There are no other forces on them?
Are UPS choosing to ignore these results?
113 over 87 December month to date 129.88% 1300 over 1016 Year to date 127.95%
HSE, Safety Law poster
"Your employer has a duty under the law to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, your health, Safety and welfare at work"
I believe that Tony Colaizzo’s instructions to deliberately overload vehicles are creating an unsafe working environment. (As per my e-mail 29th Sept) Even when this has created detrimental results, this practice of deliberately overloading vehicles has continued.
What happened to Corporate Responsibility?
Health and safety in the workplace is an important Corporate responsibility issue.
Vehicles have been sufficiently overloaded for the instructions "bus-route" to be used. That is, ignore your timed deliveries and deliver as many stops as possible. Nigel Harnell was disciplined for doing this.
With regard to Nigel Harnell. Shayne Williams had time to go through Nigel’s delivery and collection records. Why doesn’t Shayne use this time that he has to check the records of drivers that are working through their lunch breaks? Is it because we don’t want to find the answers?
On the few days where we have had bad weather, the over-despatching has continued. Safe practices?
Whilst I have been on road for the best part of the project, only 6 days not on road out of 44, has there been any other follow up at Dewsbury. According to Jane Secker, there has been nothing. Who is going to do any follow up now?
Had anyone been interested I could have given you a huge time-saving piece of information. The Tachograph Control folder is obsolete. There is more than enough information in Tachomaster to render all the work in the Tachograph Control folder as duplication and therefore a huge waste of time.
There were adequate procedures in place originally. Why have these been ignored wholesale throughout the Company? These issues have continued at Dewsbury for years, despite being raised. Why has no action been taken? Are Manager’s bullied into achieving results by ignoring integrity issues? It would appear so.
Has there been any noticeable change in attitude in the weeks since I handed in my notice. There doesn’t appear to be. Is it just there is more and more to be seen?
A quote from George Orwell for you to ponder.
"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act"

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